The ComCultGSA maintains a Student Emergency Fund for use by Communication and Culture students under extraordinary circumstances.
Access to the Student Emergency Fund is limited to current Communication and Culture students at either York or Ryerson. Requests for the fund cannot be in excess of one hundred dollars ($100.00CAD) per year.
Requests of the Student Emergency Fund may be awarded to students for a number of reasons, including seeking emergency support to pay rent, provide childcare, and/or access medical services/medication. Because this is the first time the GSA has administered this fund, this list should be considered illustrative but not exhaustive and we will, at this point, consider most requests for funding.
Requests of the Student Emergency Fund seeking funding for conference travel or registration, tuition or other fees that are traditionally funded by other sources shall not be considered for funding via the Student Emergency Fund.
Students wishing to apply to the fund may apply through the Equity Concern Form. All correspondence with the Equity Officer will be kept in confidence. Requests to the fund will be presented anonymously by the Equity Officer to the ComCultGSA to be approved at their next general meeting. Students may, but are not required to, provide a written statement to be read by the Equity Officer anonymously on their behalf to the ComCultGSA.